• A good reclamation system needs both a properly designed concrete reclaimer and a properly designed settling pond system.  If either one is not designed properly, the overall system will not function at its peak performance capabilities.

    BFK offers many standard dimensional pond layout drawings. Either starting with your existing ponds, or creating new, we can also produce custom layouts, if requested, to give you the proper comfort level that the system will fit and function in your yard or plant, before you move forward with the project. Dimensional drawings are supplied at no expense to you, even before you decide to purchase a reclaimer.

    If you can, provide drawings of any existing settling ponds as a starting point, or in many cases we can look at your plant on Google Maps (outdoors pond systems) and do a basic layout specific to your installation.  BFK Reclaimers can be built either left- or right-handed discharge (defined by the side of the machine that the sand discharges from, your choice when ordering) to help to fit the system into the best location.

    View White Papers

  • Most reclaimer manufacturers build one or maybe two sizes of reclaimer.  You buy what they make, whether you need that size or not.

    BFK offers six different models and sizes of concrete reclaimer systems to fit a multitude of different applications, from the largest ready-mix plants, to the smallest precast facilities, and everything in between.

    To ensure you get the best size for your needs, it is best to provide BFK with a bit of upfront information.  We’re always happy to help determine the proper size for your requirements.

    The most efficient way to provide that information is to fill out one of our handy application data sheets. We have one targeted for Ready-Mix producers, as well as one for Precast. If you are some other type of producer (you-cart, GFRC, volumetric mixer, etc.), feel free to call BFK at 888-235-8235, or email us at sales@bfktech.com and we’d be happy to help you determine which application data sheet to use.

    Ready-Mix Application Data Sheet

    Precast Application Data Sheet

  • The primary unique design feature of the BFK design is using the power of gravity!

    Other reclaimers use screws, paddle wheels, or slotted buckets to lift and drag wet concrete uphill through a bath of water.   That is a high-wear design, which is both slow and inefficient, requiring more horsepower, and leading to increased operational and maintenance costs, and more frequent and expensive repairs. 

    BFK harnesses the power of gravity to tumble the rock downhill out of the mix before the sand is rinsed and dewatered.  Less wear and tear and lower horsepower means more up-time!

    Additional features include:

    • No need to own a grease gun to maintain your BFK - nothing to grease!

    • No need to constantly tighten and adjust shaft seals on a BFK - they don’t exist!

    • No need for a shaker screen - BFK Reclaimers separate coarse rock and fine sand IN THE RECLAIMER

    Model R2 does not separate coarse and fine for operational reasons

  • BFK Reclaimers have a total of five (5) normal wear parts:

    • Rock Screen

    • Rotor Front Shaft [non-rotating]

    • Rotor Front Bushing (UHMW)

    • Sand Screw Tail Shaft [non-rotating]

    • Sand Screw Tail Bushing (UHMW)

  • You do!

    BFK has been building Concrete Reclaimers since 1997. In all that time we have never employed a service technician. Why? Because our reclaimers are simple enough for you to install, operate, and maintain, without the need of a factory technician.

    Read thru the Installation & Operation manual, and certainly feel free to call if you have any questions. A typical Snubnose installation involves setting the main reclaimer body in place, installing the sand screw, mounting the washout stinger(s) and control panel, hanging the pump, then having the electrician running the interconnection wires while the plumbing is installed. Six-Shooter and M6 models already have the sand screw installed, so you can skip that step.   That’s it.

  • Most of your routine maintenance involves keeping things clean. 

    Have the drivers keep unnecessary concrete build-up out of the infeed hopper by washing it out after each use.  The loader operator needs to keep up with emptying the rock and sand bunkers, and more importantly, they need to regularly clean-out the settling ponds of spent cement and settled solids.

    If you washout mix containing fiber mesh, you will see build-up on the rock screen, which over time will also build-up with cement. This material will need to be cleaned off periodically to keep the screen from plugging.

    Occasionally, you should pull the pump out of the pond and inspect the screen for build-up, clean as necessary to ensure proper water flow.

    On a regular basis, you also need to remove and inspect the rotor front shaft and UHMW bushing, and sand screw tail shaft and bushing, replace as needed.

    The installation & operation manual for each model will give more detailed time estimates for the inspection and replacement of each of the items discussed above, as well as detailed instructions on how to replace the wear items.

    Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manuals

  • The Waterdog Auto Shut-Off is a unique product in the concrete industry.  Designed and developed by a ready-mix producer to eliminate the problems of over-filling the tanks in his mixer trucks, it solves so many problems caused by over-flow.

    Both Models A and B come equipped with the same nozzles, your choice of either a 1-1/4” (also used for 1-1/2”) or 2”. The difference is the controls.

    Model B

    It's the more commonly applied of the two systems. 

    The Model B is used in plants that have a constant source of water flow, such as a city water source.  The flow of water must be controlled by a valve.

    It's equipped with a start/stop station, and is designed to actuate a normally-closed electric solenoid valve (purchased by the customer) installed in the plumbing. When the water tank approaches full, the panel senses the pressure building in the tank and actuates its internal relay to deactivate the normally-closed solenoid valve. The valve therefore closes, shutting off the water flow.

    Model A

    The Model A works in conjunction with an existing start/stop station, or other on/off control, such as used with a pump. This makes this particular model suitable for use in plants using well water or other types of pumps to supply water to the truck tanks.

    The Waterdog minimizes the amount of water that is spilled onto the ground or pavement.

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Manuals and technical specifications are for reference only of current designs and systems, and may not reflect the design or revision of the equipment you purchased, especially if it is for an earlier model. Consult the factory for earlier revisions. All dimensions, weights, and technical specifications are subject to change at BFKs discretion without notification.

white papers


Basic layout strategies and design principles

understanding left-hand vs. right-hand

Which “hand” machine will you need?

Discuss your plant’s needs with a pro

Not sure which model is best for your needs? No problem!